Recent Dorkiness

Bill Sienkiewicz

Putting the Farm to Bed

September 8, 2020 // 0 Comments

So we went another week without a column, and I really don’t have it in me to do one this week, either. I have books I want to talk about, but not the will to actually sit down and write. It’s been a long year for everyone, and I’m just flat-out exhausted. So, as happens from time to time, I think I need a vacation. A few weeks to just read comics and watch movies and play online and not stress out over self-imposed deadlines. Just thinking about it feels relaxing. [...]

Sights and Sounds from Heroes Con 2019

June 18, 2019 // 2 Comments

So I did something this past weekend that I haven’t done in maybe 15 years: I packed a bag and attended Heroes Con in Charlotte, North Carolina. If you’re not familiar with it, Heroes is the last of a dying breed: a comic book convention that’s actually devoted to comic books rather than general pop culture. You won’t find movie and TV stars slumming it at Heroes Con. Instead, you’ll find table after table of funnybook people, doing sketches, hawking their wares, [...]

A Random Collection of Beautiful Things

January 29, 2019 // 1 Comment

So instead of working on this week’s column, I’ve gotten distracted by a new project the last few days. Which means it’s time to dip into our vast supply of funnybook images. We do this kind of thing all the time over on the nerd farm’s social media (a few of the images below are appearing there this week, in fact), but not so often on the main site. We can do things bigger and better here, though, so I decided to pick out 25 pictures, by 25 different artists, featuring [...]


November 27, 2018 // 0 Comments

So I thought we’d try something a little unusual this week. Normally, I drone on and on about the funnybooks I like the best. But I read tons of stuff, and sometimes I skip over the stuff I like, but don’t love. Which means it’s high time I talked about some of that stuff… Joe Casey and Ian Macewan’s MCMLXXV (that’s 1975 for those of you who’ve forgotten your Roman Numerals) ended its three-issue run recently, and I really enjoyed the ride. It’s [...]

Countdown to Halloween 2018

October 29, 2018 // 0 Comments

So we’re on Halloween vacation this week, and as such aren’t really around to deliver the usual long-winded enthusiasm. So instead, we’re just going to direct you over to our social media, where we’ve been sort of unofficially participating in the annual Countdown to Halloween with a new comics-related Halloween post every day. Usually, it’s just a piece of artwork, but sometimes there’s a little story to go with it. Somewhere in there, we even put up the [...]